By Havenstatguys
Haven’s first football game of the season is 23 days from now and the first week of practice begins next week.
New laminated business card schedules, courtesy of Swarthmore Pizza, are now available at:
WSSD Business Office
SHHS Front office
AMF Auto Clinic
Ducklings Early Learning Center
Swarthmore Pizza
We will also be handing them out at the West Chester scrimmage on August 17th. If you would like up to five schedules mailed to you (or Aunt Mary in Wisconsin) you can send your request to:
Mike Mayer, 402 Meadow Lane, Wallingford, PA 19086. Please include $1 (up to 5 in one envelope) to cover postage and the envelope!
Any remaining schedules will be available at the Panther Pit on our first home game on September 13th .
Webmaster’s note: There is an error on our laminated schedules. The Conestoga game is correctly dated for October 5th but the day indicated is Friday which is incorrect. The game will be played on October 5th which is a Saturday. We apologize for the confusion.