Ridley wrestling coach Carl Schnellenbach poses with Cassidy Ferrell, who created a buzz at the high school during her two years as a Green Raiders varsity wrestler, then signed a national letter of intent to compete as a club wrestler for Lock Haven University in 2013, when this shot was taken. DIGITAL FIRST MEDIA FILE
By Terry Toohey
As a child growing up in West Reading, Carl Schnellenbach was known as “Schnelly.”
That moniker was later shortened by a letter to become one of the most recognizable handles in Delaware County sports history.
“Schnell,” he said often. “It’s just Schnell.”
No first or last name was needed.
“That’s who he was,” said his son-in-law Chas Maiers, the assistant to the superintendent in the Ridley School District. “He wasn’t Carl and he wasn’t Mr. Schnellenbach. He was Schnell.”
Schnell died early Sunday morning at Taylor Hospice in Ridley Park. He was 84 and had been in failing health for a number of years.
(click on this link for the full story)