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By Jack McCaffery
Sean Henry made 11 tackles Friday night for Strath Haven at Prevost Field, some high, some low, none that Ryan Henry hadn’t known was coming.
Ryan Henry rushed for 62 yards for the Panthers in a 54-7 victory over Radnor, some inside, some outside, none to the surprise of Sean Henry.
The twins have only been playing football and doing everything else together since they were born. Together – with help aplenty at every position – they made heavy contributions as the Panthers improved to 6-0 and 5-0 in the Central League.
There’s depth, which Kevin Clancy enjoys.
Then there is the kind of depth that comes in twos.
“They really are good players,” Clancy said. “They are leaders on our team, and every year they have been in the program, they have become better and better. And this year, they have become real leaders and have been invaluable on both the offensive and defensive sides. So it was nice to see them both really contribute tonight.”
(click on this link for the full article, subscription required)
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